Narrativas de Memória na Educação Infantil e Práticas Pedagógicas

  • Margareth Martins de Araujo
  • Tainara Navas


We started the research in progress of the master's degree, highlighting the right to be a child inserted into a conception of childhood that believes in the child as a subject that
builds knowledge. With this thought we believe that childhood should be a place of play, enchantment and imagination in the various spaces through which
children. Much of what we are began to be built in our childhood, space of several discoveries and games, beginning of construction moments
and learning. We learn, we create and gradually started the construction of our personality, character, choices and opinions. We form in our
families, on the street, with our neighbors, in the church and in several other social spaces, including in school. Having this very important role for the construction of values ​​and in our human formation.
Como Citar
DE ARAUJO, Margareth Martins; NAVAS, Tainara. Narrativas de Memória na Educação Infantil e Práticas Pedagógicas. Revista Pedagogia Social UFF, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 23, oct. 2018. ISSN 2527-0974. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 05 mar. 2025.

